Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 2.

How do you see yourself growing or changing over the course of your internship?

Over the course of internship, I have already seen myself grow in many ways. Since being here at HTe, i have notice that i have become way more patient and understanding of others perspectives. At first it was challenging for me to explain things to the students because i had to constantly repeat myself in order to get them to actually focus and pay attention. I have seen a great change in myself, I have also gained more respect for teachers. One main thing i have seen a change in is in the way i manage my time, working with fourth graders has taught me how to keep track of time in order to get everything finished on time. A lot of the time my mentor and i found ourselves re-thinking the daily agenda so that the students would have as much project time as possible without missing any important subjects like math or reading.

What lessons or experiences at you internship will you bring back to school to help you to further improve in your academics?
So far I have learned a lot during internship and I will definitely be taking it back to school with me. I think that the time management that i have learned is the main thing I will be taking back with me to improve my academics. I think it will help me focus more and stay on track with my studies. I have also learned how to become more comfortable with talking to new people and I know that will help me in the future as well.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 1.

My first couple of days at HTe went pretty well. I enjoy it so far and working with fourth graders is not what I expected at all. In fact I anticipated that they would be challenging to work with but they're actually really sweet and super smart for they age. Being in the an elementary school again has given me a totally different experience than it did when I was in elementary school. HTe is the perfect combination of what it means to learn and have fun at the same time. Being in this environment has inspired me even more to work with children.

So far I have created a project with my mentor that the students will be starting next week. The project will include having to create a stop motion animation video about a reptile of their choice. They will be required to select a reptile and choose a super power for it. They also have to create a script/ story board which they will follow. I am super excited and looking forward to working with them starting Monday of next week.

~Bianca Hueso